Reminder from a pastor... 一位牧師的提醒
Reminder from a pastor...一位牧師的提醒

我們添加這個網頁,來解釋一些名詞; 讓我們每個人都有一個清晰的理解。

We add this webpage to explain a few terms so that there is a clear understanding for each term.


* 耶穌基督是我的救主 Jesus Christ as my Savior

耶穌基督是我的主 Jesus Christ as my Lord 

上帝是我的天父 God as my heavenly Father

 聖靈是我的保惠師和我的教師 The Holy Spirit as my Comforter and my Teacher

*  所有人的平等創造 All men are created equal



我們添加這個網頁,來解釋一些名詞; 讓我們每個人都有一個清晰的理解。

1.耶穌基督是我的救主 — 首先,這表示著,祂通過在十字架上死亡、來償還我罪的懲罰; 進而,將我從永恆的咒詛和與神分離中,拯救出來。祂的寶血,清洗了我所有的罪惡。此外,祂將祂的公義歸於我,祂讓我與上帝和好,以便我再次由聖靈重生,融入上帝的家中。耶穌基督是,上帝與人類之間、唯一的調停者, 祂把我帶回天父。


We add this webpage to explain a few terms so that there is a clear understanding for each of us.

1. Jesus Christ as my Savior— This means first that He save me from the eternal damnation and separation from God by dying at the cross to pay for the penalty of my sin. His precious blood wash all my sin clean. Furthermore, He imputed His righteousness to me so that He reconciled me with God so that I was born again by the Holy Spirit and water into God’s family. It is Jesus Christ the only mediator between God and mankind, who brought me back to the Father.



2.耶穌基督是我的主 — 這表示著,在生命中的任何時刻中,我完全信任祂。在美好的時候,在不幸的時候,在所有的情況下,我都信靠祂。祂能夠忠實地、並且有力量把我帶回天家。這也表示著,我遵守祂的誡命,因為祂永遠愛我。這也表示著,祂是我生命中最寶貴的一切。所有的真理和公義,恩典和榮耀,都活在祂裡面。祂的智慧是無限的; 祂的公義是無限的; 祂的恩典是無限的; 祂的榮耀是無限的; 祂對祂教會的愛是無限的,是無法衡量的。永永遠遠在我的生命中,願我所有的讚美、崇拜和感恩,藉著我寶貴的主耶穌基督的名,歸給天父。

不是我揀選祂,而是我的主揀選了我,並給了我永生。祂任命了我,讓我在這個世界上結出果實,並且我的果子將存留下來。祂對祂的一切信徒說:“我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。常在我裡面的,我也常在他裡面,這人就多結果子;因為離了我,你們就不能做什麼“ (約翰福音 15:5)。耶穌基督是我的生命,所有的能量和所有的祝福,都是通過祂而來的。

祂的誡命是,我要愛主內的弟兄姊妹們,因為祂愛他們。而且祂給所有祂的信徒、包括我的任務,是“ 所以你們要去,使萬民做我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗, 凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守。我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了” (馬太福音 28:19-20)。



2. Jesus Christ as my Lord — This means I trust Him completely for everything in my life. I trust Him in good times and in bad times and in all situations in between. He is able and faithful to bring me home to my heavenly Father. This also means that I obey His commandments because He loves me always. This also means that He is the most precious everything in my life. All truth and righteousness and grace and glory live in Him. His wisdom is infinite; His righteousness is infinite; His grace is infinite; His glory is infinite; His love to His church is infinite and could not be measured. May all my praises and adoration and thankfulness be to the Father through the name of my precious Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever in my life.


I did not choose Him but My Lord chose me and gave me eternal life. He appointed me so that I shall go and bear fruit  in this world and that my fruit shall remain. He said to all His believers, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” Jesus Christ is my Life and all energy and all blessings come through Him.


His commandment is that I shall love my brothers and sisters in faith as He loves them. And His assignment to all His believers including me is “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen!


 “26弟兄們哪,可見你們蒙召的,按著肉體有智慧的不多,有能力的不多,有尊貴的也不多。27 神卻揀選了世上愚拙的,叫有智慧的羞愧;又揀選了世上軟弱的,叫那強壯的羞愧。 28 神也揀選了世上卑賤的、被人厭惡的以及那無有的,為要廢掉那有的“。

聖經在哥林多前書8:6中告訴我, 我是為父而存在的。”然而我們只有一位神,就是父,萬物都本於他,我們也歸於他。並有一位主,就是耶穌基督,萬物都是藉著他有的,我們也是藉著他有的”。因為我相信耶穌的名、相信祂是天父派來的,我的主、派聖靈住在我裡面,使我可以呼叫上帝:「阿爸!父!」。因為我藉著我的主耶穌基督、得了憐憫,而歸屬於上帝。因此我與、我的天父和我的主耶穌基督,有堅強的親屬密切關係。


3. God as my heavenly Father
The only way that I can even call Infinite God my heavenly Father is because I am in Christ Jesus. And  I am in Christ because of God’s doing. God chose me because  I am weak and foolish and nothing. “26 For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; 27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, 28 and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are,”( 1 Corinthians 1:26-28).


The Bible tell me  in 1 Corinthians 8:6 that  I exist for the Father ” yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.” It is because that I believe in the” name of Jesus” who was sent by the Father, my Lord sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in me and enable me to call God my Father. Because I obtained mercy through my Lord Jesus Christ, I belong to God and hence I have an affinity to my heavenly Father and my Lord Jesus Christ.



正是因為內住的聖靈,我才知道我是屬於我主耶穌基督的。是聖靈,讓我知道、耶穌基督的事情是真實的。聖靈會繼續引導我進入屬神的事物。也是因為內住的聖靈,引導我們成聖。並通過耶穌基督,將我們從肉體的腐敗中、釋放出來。同樣地,也是聖靈與我的心同證我是神的兒女 (見羅馬書 8:16)。”9 凡從神生的,就不犯罪,因神的道存在他心裡;他也不能犯罪,因為他是由神生的“。(約翰一書3:9)
在我所有的軟弱中,聖靈都在我身邊,幫助我。他甚至照著上帝的旨意,替我禱告。"愛神者萬事得益:26 況且,我們的軟弱有聖靈幫助。我們本不曉得當怎樣禱告,只是聖靈親自用說不出來的嘆息替我們禱告。 27 鑒察人心的,曉得聖靈的意思,因為聖靈照著神的旨意替聖徒祈求"。(羅馬書8:26-27)
我要在我的身子上榮耀上帝,因為我的身體是,住在我裡面聖靈的殿。這表示著,我需要在我的生活中保持清潔,並逃避一切的不潔,並始終追求聖潔。 “要在身子上榮耀神: 18 你們要逃避淫行。人所犯的,無論什麼罪,都在身子以外;唯有行淫的,是得罪自己的身子。 19 豈不知你們的身子就是聖靈的殿嗎?這聖靈是從神而來,住在你們裡頭的。並且你們不是自己的人, 20 因為你們是重價買來的,所以要在你們的身子上榮耀神“。(哥林多前書6:18-20)​


4. The Holy Spirit as my Comforter and my Teacher
It is because of the indwelling Holy Spirit that I know that I belong to Jesus Christ my Lord. It is the Holy Spirit who makes matters of Jesus Christ real to me. The Holy Spirit will continue guiding me into the things of God. It is the indwelling Holy Spirit that leads us into holiness and set us free through Jesus Christ from corruptions of the flesh. It is the witnesses of my heart and the Holy Spirit that I am a child of God ,”9 No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” (1 John 3:9).

In all my weaknesses, the Holy Spirit comes beside me and helps me. He even intercedes my prayer according to God’s will,”26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”(Romans 8:26-27).

In my daily life, I shall not grieve the Holy Spirit and that I shall be filled with the Holy Spirit and obey His leading me into Jesus Christ who is the way and the truth and the life (John14:6).

I shall glorify God in my body because my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in me. This means that I need to exercise cleanness in my life and flee all uncleanness and seek holiness all the time.  “18 Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”(1 Corinthians 6: 18-20).


All men are created equal 所有人的平等創造

1. Most people see the world full of people with all different races/cultures in different political systems. More, people are endowed with different gifts, and are born into different economic situations.  Furthermore, some are born with birth defects and diseases. Thus, it is quite clear that many babies start their lives in  the world with unequal circumstances. So, what the phrase means? Most people use this phrase in the context of anti-discrimination. That is, for example, in USA, the laws mandate that no one shall be subjected to discrimination solely on race, religion, culture, gender, sexual orientation, handicap, and age etc.
大多數人看到這個世界,到處都是具有不同政治制度的不同種族/文化的人。 此外,人們被賦予不同的天分,並在不同的經濟狀況下出生。 此外,有些人天生就有先天缺陷和疾病。 因此,很明顯,許多嬰兒在不平等的環境下開始了自己的生活。 那麼,這句話是什麼意思? 大多數人是在反歧視的背景下使用這個詞。 也就是說,例如在美國,法律規定任何人不得受種族,宗教,文化,性別,性取向,殘障和年齡等歧視。


2. However, the phrase carries more meaning because it ties with creation. Because it ties with creation, it carries further context. In a Christian’s perspective, the Bible reveals in Genesis the creation process and sequence. We are not covering here all aspects of creation other than the creation of human— Adam and Eve.  Adam was created from dusts. Adam received life through the breath of God. Genesis 2:7, "7 Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Here we have several very essential points.
(a) We were created by Almighty and Holy God.
(b) Adam received the breath of God, and had body, soul, and spirit.
(c) Man was created with God’s image. (Genesis 1:16)


但是,該短語具有更多含義,因為它與 人的創造聯繫在一起。 因為它與創造聯繫在一起,所以它帶有更多的上下文。 從基督徒的角度來看,聖經在創世記中揭示了創造過程和次序。 除了人類的創造-亞當和夏娃,我們這裡沒有涵蓋創造的所有方面。 亞當是從塵埃中被創造出來的。 亞當通過上帝的氣息獲得了生命。 創2:7,“ 7 耶和華神用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人,名叫亞當。” 在這裡,我們有幾個非常重要的要點。
(c)人是按照神的形象造的。 (創1:16)


3. From Genesis perspective, only Adam and Eve were created by God. The rest of the human race came down from the genome pool of Adam and Eve. Thus, “all men are created equal” could means that we were endowed with the same genome. At this point, it is noted that all other factors such as tribal identification including races, cultures. are added on later by societies and not part of the original creation. Similarly, only male and female genders were created. Other sexual orientations are man-made later. Another point is also clear. The original creations are very good without defects. See Gen 1:31,"31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” Thus, defects such as birth defects and disorders of physical world  came later due to Adam and Eve’s sin transmitted down through the ages. We need to make  careful effort to discern what were originally created and what were the consequences or were acquired later from the human depravities due to sins.

從創世紀的角度來看,只有亞當和夏娃是上帝創造的。其餘的人類來自亞當和夏娃的基因組庫。因此,“所有人的平等創造”可能意味著我們被賦予了相同的基因組。在這一點上,應注意所有其他因素,例如種族,文化等種族認同。後來由社會加入,而不是原始創作的一部分。同樣,只創建了男性和女性。其他性取向是以後人造的。另一點也很清楚。原始作品非常好,沒有缺陷。見創1:31,“ 31 神看著一切所造的都甚好。有晚上,有早晨,是第六日。”因此,由於亞當和夏娃的原罪世代相傳,後來出現了先天缺陷和物質世界失調等缺陷,我們需要謹慎地辨別最初創造的東西以及後來從人類身上因罪而墮落獲得的後果。


4. Given Item 2, in spite of different status and resources, men are created equal in the sense of all having the same value of divine image. Each life is a gift from the Creator. All lives are equally precious from the Creator’s perspective. For example, all human beings have an equal 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week, particularly all have equal chance of enjoying the Creator’s rest in the 7th day of each week. However, the phrase does not imply equal gifts and hence,  people are not  born with equal abilities; some are good at this and some are good at that, etc. One thing is for sure: men are created free. Even God allows us the free will of choice whether to love God or not. Thus, the desire to control other people was acquired as part of the consequence of the original sin.
基於第2項,儘管地位和資源不同,但在所有人具有相同的上帝形象價值的意義上,人們是平等的。 每個生命都是造物主的禮物。 從造物主的角度來看,所有生命都是同等珍貴的。 例如,所有人每天24小時,一周7天都是平等的,尤其是每個人在每週的7天都享有創造者的安息。 但是,該短語並不意味著相等的天賦,因此,人們並非天生具有相同的能力。 有些人擅長於此,有些人擅長於別,等等。可以肯定的是:上帝創造人類是要人類有自由的。 甚至上帝也允許我們自由選擇是否愛上帝。 因此,想要控制他人的慾望是原罪後果的一部分。


5 Although all men are created equal, due to  free will choice and deeds of each individual, final judgement and reward are not equal. Even the criteria of judgement take into consideration of the endowed capacities of each individual. See Luke 12:48. Also, the more a person love the Lord the more will be forgiven as well. See Luke 7:47.
儘管所有的人都是平等的,但由於每個人的自由意志選擇和行為,最終的審判和獎賞是不平等的。 甚至判斷標準也考慮到了每個人的能力。 見路加福音12:48。 同樣,一個人愛主越多,也會得到更多的寬恕。 見路加福音7:47。


6. The Scripture teaches us to be the salt and the light of the world. That means we should be a constraint of evils, and shall have compassion and offer assistance to those who are less fortunate. All men are created equal implies that we all have just one life to live. Thus, do the best to follow our own calls to serve our Creator and  love others given to us by our God in our pilgrim journey through this life.
聖經教導我們成為世界的光和鹽。 這意味著我們應該限制邪惡,應該有同情心,並向不幸的人提供幫助。 人人平等創造意味著人人只有一生命。 因此,盡力跟隨我們自己的呼召,侍候我們的創造主,並愛護我們的上帝在今生的朝聖之旅中給予我們接觸的人。

Reminders... 提醒

Only God - See Deut 6:4-5
Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.


以色列阿,你要聽!耶和華 ─ 我們神是獨一的主。

你要盡心, 盡性、盡力愛耶和華─你的神。(申6:4-5)


There is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.(See 1 Coringthians 8:6)




萬物都是藉著他有的, 我們也是藉著他有的。(歌林多前書 8:6)


Supremacy of Jesus Christ our Lord - Phil 2:9-11; Col 1:15-20

The name which is above every name that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


主耶穌的絕對優越性—無不口稱耶穌為主 (西 1:15-20)


又賜給他那超乎萬名之上的名, 叫一切在天上的、地上的,和地底下的,因耶穌的名無不屈膝,無不口稱耶穌基督為主,使榮耀歸與父神。(腓2:9-11)



Inerrancy of Holy Scripture Psalm 19:7-9, Matt 5:18

Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.


聖經的精確性(詩 19:7-9)

馬太福音 5:18







Glorious Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ which demonstrates the love of God - John 3:16-18

16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of Go


神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生。 因為神差他的兒子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救。 信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已經定了,因為他不信神獨生子的名。

(約翰福音 3:16-18)


Obedience to God is much better than offering sacrifices - Hos 6:6




(何西阿書 6:6)


For I delight in loyalty 
 rather than sacrifice. 
And in the knowledge of 
God rather than burnt 

(Hos 6:6)



The righteous shall live by faith alone - Habbakuk 2:4

義人因信得生  迦勒底人自高自大,心不正直;惟義人因信得生。(哈巴谷書2:4)



Self-denial and be patient in enduring afflictions are the God's ways for us in following Jesus Christ our Lord - Matthew 16:24


(馬太福音 16:24)


Goal of Redemption is in Sanctification of the Spirit, through Obedience to Jesus Christ, and be Holy to the LORD. Be Ye Holy, For I am Holy.

(1 Peter 1:15-16; Lev 11:45)

救贖的目的是藉著聖靈,順服耶穌基督,歸耶和華為聖。 你們要聖潔,因為我是聖潔的。(彼得前書1:15-16; 利11:45)

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